Too much deprecation will make a Chihuahua dog.
Service migration (deprecation and sunsetting).
He pursued his theme, however, without noticing my deprecation.
The following errors are deprecation notices that you can ignore.
The best way to avoid deprecation is to drive fewer miles, says Ibara.
The schedule for deprecation and sunsetting should be specified in the SLA.
He merely lifted his eyebrows in placid deprecation of himself and everybody else.
Note that you'll need to use the -deprecation option as the generated files USES SAX 1.0 APIs.
注意,当生成的文件使用SAX 1.0 API时,您将需要使用- deprecation选项。
Once the deprecation window has ended, the final stage of our Web service versioning process can be completed.
You can read more about the new deprecation guidelines and all the features being deprecated in this blog post.
Obama has great timing, and a sense of self-deprecation honed over years of making fun of his name and his ears.
They disarm us with self - deprecation, we enjoy their company -so why wouldn't we want to do business with them?
Consumers must be notified about deprecation of a service, to allow them time to change and test the consuming code.
In this case, deprecation has the meaning that it will not be enhanced and will be withdrawn in a future version of WMB.
This cover, from 1962, predated the now traditional bubble covers, but remains a classic example of British self-deprecation.
Conclusion: Achievement goal orientation, uncertain personal control, self - deprecation are closely related to academic self - handicapping.
His self-deprecation nearly won over the audience. "I can't dance or sing, " he said. "And I would make a terrible impression as a stand-up comic. "
However, to get the full maintenance benefits of deprecation and removal, you will want to do the refactoring needed to remove the Web service completely.
Mr Steinberg seems aware of the danger of seeming voyeuristic, and balances his cool assessments of clients and colleagues with dollops of self-deprecation.
It was pretty painless; the 2.8.0 migration took less than a day (and that was only because I wanted to eliminate the deprecation warnings) and 2.8.1 was drop in.
His pessimistic forecast is based on analysis of the rising cost of raw materials, soaring overheads, the global market slowdown and deprecation of the US dollar, he said.
In particular, we will do Merb releases with deprecation notices and other transitional mechanisms to assist developers in tracking down the changes that will come between Merb 1.
特别地,我们会在Merb的发布中加上不建议使用的通知,同时还会加上迁移机制以帮助开发者跟踪将会出现在Merb1 . x与Rails 3之间的改变。
This includes a variety of ways to express prefix mappings, deprecation of the XMLNS prefix, the idea of RDFa Profiles and more. There are new attributes to support these capabilities.
这其中包含了多种方法以用来表示前缀映射、xmlns前缀的过期提示、关于RDFa概括(rdfa Profiles)的想法和其它更多东西。
Or I've got to go through the whole deprecation business. Essentially any of my interfaces that you use become published in that situation, because I can't touch your code for any reason at all.
Or I've got to go through the whole deprecation business. Essentially any of my interfaces that you use become published in that situation, because I can't touch your code for any reason at all.