The clinical data showed that depression in children born to mothers suffering from this disease more juvenile.
Another study, published last month in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found depression in children as young as 3.
另一份在上个月发布于《普通精神病学文献》(Archives of General Psychiatry)上的研究则发现,年仅3岁的孩子即有可能出现抑郁。
Summers claims that this pressure to be beautiful is one of the leading causes of eating disorders and depression in children.
Although many researches have been studied depression in children and adolescence, only a few have paid attention to those who experienced depression, but do not meet the criteria of depression.
In Nunavut's "igloo and email" society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, there's a high incidence of depression.
Raising 6 children during the difficult times of the Great Depression took its toll on my parents' relationship and resulted in their divorce when I was 18 years old.
This has caused many problems, such as an increase in obesity and depression among children.
Having kids brings joys and sorrows in any case - but is raising children linked in some way to depression?
It's not unusual for children whose parents have recently divorced to have adjustment problems. Many kids experience anxiety or depression, and some even engage in aggressive or destructive behavior.
Six years ago Jamie Nesi, a case manager for special-ed children in Bellport, N.Y., was diagnosed with mild depression.
6年前,纽约贝尔港弱智儿童的个案经理杰米•内西(Jamie Nesi)被诊断出患轻度抑郁。
Six years ago, Jamie Nesi, a case manager for special-ed children in Bellport, N.Y., received a diagnosis of mild depression.
6年前,纽约贝尔港弱智儿童的个案经理杰米•内西(Jamie Nesi)被诊断出患轻度抑郁。
The authors pointed out that major depressive disorder in elementary school children is usually difficult to treat, making the need to catch depression early even more urgent.
By age 7, the children were more likely to show symptoms of anxiety, depression and attention problems, the researchers reported this year in Environmental Health Perspectives.
The causes of depression in men include the pressures of fatherhood, increased responsibility, the expense of having children and the change in life-style that it brings can all be triggers.
Even in an economic depression, people still need shelter and families will still be raising children.
Raising six children during the difficult times of the Great Depression took its toll on my parents'relationship and resulted in their divorce when I was 18 years old.
Objective To explore the clinical value of depression and event related potentials P300 in children with narcolepsy (NRL).
目的探讨发作性睡病(NRL)儿童的抑郁情绪及事件相关电位P 300的特征。
But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, and profound loneliness.
The results showed that there was higher depression and sociality scores, lower aggression and neuropathy scores in the visual impaired children;
But in memoir after memoir celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression alcoholism drug addiction broken marriages troubled children and profound loneliness.
The scores on excessive intervention and protection were lower in parents whose children had no depression than those whose children had mild or severe depression.
But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children and profound loneliness.
Objective To explore the curative effects and safety of citalopram in children with depression and emotional disorder.
In children, lack of sleep has been shown to raise rates of obesity, depression and high blood pressure.
This study, based on more than 1,700 fathers of one-year-olds, found that as many as 1 in 25 new dads are affected by postpartum depression and a surprising number of them have spanked their children.
本研究基于有超过1700 one-year-olds列祖,发现的多达1在新爸爸们是25所影响产后忧郁的和多得令人惊讶的人有掴打他们的孩子。
But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.
But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.