One day the young deputy sheriff observed the elderly man mowing a neighbor's yard.
At the least, turning the former deputy sheriff into a partner will do him no harm at home.
Standing there was a deputy sheriff who handed him a piece of paper with the phone number of a hospital.
So he looked into law enforcement, and in April 2008, he became a deputy sheriff in Lee County, Fla.
A fourth officer, a deputy sheriff, remains in critical condition after undergoing emergency surgery.
DEPUTY SHERIFF Francisco Gonzalez was driving on Route 1604 when he noticed several cars had pulled off. He pulled over.
Mrs. Hale : Duty’s all right , but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make fire might have a little of this on .
Franklin County's chief deputy sheriff, deputy Devin Bramlett, said early Wednesday that one person also died in the community of Etna.
Then, in 1987, a retired deputy sheriff read about Guy in a newspaper, and recalled finding a skeleton in the desert in the year he had disappeared.
Later that night, preparing to question Anderson, county deputy sheriff Donnie Taylor recalled hearing stories of Anderson's earlier threats, abductions and assaults.
The court held that the individuals "took charge" of the money before the deputy sheriff arrived, and so acquired the rights of a finder under statutory and common law.
Deputy Sheriff Darrell Mongar testified during a February hearing that Bartley told him the pistol was his father's and he planned to trade it for OxyContin, a powerful painkiller.
副警长Darrell Mongar证实在二月份的听证会上,Bartley向他承认手枪为他父亲所有,他原本打算用它来换取一种名叫Oxycontin的强效止痛药。
A fourth officer, a deputy sheriff, remains in critical condition after undergoing emergency surgery. Two other officers received hospital treatment for non-life threatening wounds.
Because he also served as Roundup's part-time deputy sheriff he eyed businesses along the main street to see they were locked up tight and that side streets were vacant of anyone up to mischief.
Robyn asked the deputy on duty if she could speak with Sheriff Adkins.
He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy.
Bob Marley sung: I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.
Bob Marley sung: I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.