Notice that the sorting icon has changed to the descending sorting icon, indicating the sort direction.
To switch from ascending or descending sort to custom sort, click sort ascending or sort descending on the PivotTable toolbar so that the button is not selected.
The context menu allows you to apply an ascending or descending sort based on the item names, or you can manually move items of a field to the position you want.
The descending sort of groups of arthropod was predators, insect pests, parasitoids and neutral insects by the similarity degree of arthropod groups between weed habitat and paddy habitat.
This implementation allows the user to specify the sort order and direction (ascending or descending) as parameters for the report.
Finally, we sort all of the entries by their timestamp in descending order (latest entries listed first).
Column sorting is an option that allows users to sort columns in a view ascending, descending, or both.
For example, there is no need for sort ascending and descending if users never access the view; all it does is add to the size.
Indicates whether to sort the column in ascending or descending order (ACS or DECS).
D indicates the direction of the sort (ascending or descending).
Depending on the sort order that you need, the code that you write for this bean specifies whether that column should be sorted in ascending or descending order or not sorted.
Clicking on Column 2 to sort it causes it to sort in descending order, which makes Column 1 revert to its default sort order of ssortascon.
The default is to sort in ascending order (+), but you can also specify descending order (-).
Sort the results in descending order, and start analyzing the query that has the highest value.
The sort order properties are specified in descending order of precedence.
You can sort database entries by any labels in ascending or descending order.
You will be able to sort items in an album by rating (both ascending and descending) if you wish to.
In the toolbar, press the Sort button (see Figure 11) and select the Sort Descending option.
在工具条中,按下Sort按钮(见图11)并选中Sort Descending选项。
The criteria to sort an array of objects is usually formed by the name of the fields, and an indication of ascending or descending order (like an SQL "order by" clause).
As a shortcut for sorting the list containing the selected cells in descending order, click the sort descending button.
In the Grid pane, locate the row containing the first data column or expression to sort by, and then in the Sort Type grid column, choose Ascending or Descending.
You can sort the records in ascending or descending order, based on one or more columns.
Specifies that the associated data column is used to sort the query results and whether the sort is ascending or descending.
You can sort data that is displayed in natural or custom order in ascending or descending order.
You can sort records by up to four fields, in either ascending or descending order.
You can sort records by up to four fields, in either ascending or descending order.