Describe with zeal something you're struggling with.
Some are very detailed and describe with almost engineering exactness where they perceive the problem to be.
Fun game: Listen to a passenger near you describe with great authority and total inaccuracy what they see.
Secret love at first sight, led by the Department of the emotional life very difficult to describe with pen and ink.
When you come out, you can see the mountains surround four walls, it's beauty that you can't describe with any words.
In terms of SOA, you could argue that any application function whose interface you can describe with WSDL can be called a service.
It is identical curve surface or curve in this paper. Business car engine's characteristics describe with mathematics' model.
As you iterate through the array of AMI IDs, calling describe with a specific ID returns the description of that particular AMI.
2666 is not a novel that any responsible critic could describe with words like brisk or taut. (not like all those other brisk, taut 898-page novels.)
No statistical model, for example, can describe with perfect accuracy all the e-mails you might legitimately receive, while labeling the rest as spam.
Laudan, another philosopher of science, observes that we cannot square that which Kuhn and Lakatos describe with what we know about the evolution of science.
The author begins to describe with his artistic techniques, using black as dominant hue instead of natural colors, showing the exuberant and luxuriant crops.
The traffic transportation system of underground structure group is a kind of typical discrete event dynamic system, which is difficult to describe with analytic mathematic models.
You've really created a problem here for us because you have given me language, I am aware of something coming from inside of me now that I am trying to describe with my own words.
Hematite high intensity magnetic separating process of metallurgy industry has the complexity of nonlinearity, uncertainty and it is difficult to describe with accurate mathematical models.
It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.
We should be so lucky as to have an audience describe our presentations with one or more of these adjectives.
They describe the initial understanding in the teachers with whom they were working as being "utilitarian … and not rich or detailed enough to drive systematic reflection."
The old woman remained silent, and Heidi, with the greatest vivacity, began to describe her life with the grandfather.
Through hearing stories with a clear beginning, middle, and ending children may learn too extract the gist f events in ways that they will be able to describe many years later.
The word "callipygian " is sometimes used to describe someone with attractive buttocks.
In the next column in this series, I will apply the method to the banking domain of account management and describe each step with an example.
Some people describe their relationships with food as being "passionate" - and I see mine a little that way too.
He suggests that individuals in the throes of depression seldom deceive others-or are deceived themselves-because they seem to perceive and describe reality with greater accuracy than others.
Most importantly, they were asked to describe their relationship with each person as friend, spouse, sibling, neighbour or colleague.
They describe the features and functions with which the end-user will interact directly.
The following subsections describe each of those, along with other options.
Using XML, you can describe complex locale data with multiple hierarchical structures.
You can choose Pink Floyd or ABBA or someone else entirely to describe your fixation with money this week.
You can choose Pink Floyd or ABBA or someone else entirely to describe your fixation with money this week.