A dimension table contains descriptive information about facts.
Repositories already exist where descriptive information about Web services has been gathered together.
All the processes generate metadata (detailed descriptive information) that are linked to the record.
This Paper introduced the author, coverage, classification and descriptive information fo the Yunnan Booklist.
Making these types of components accessible requires you to provide considerable descriptive information in text form.
Tests whether the specified string could be set successfully, and then outputs position and descriptive information.
A registered service can include descriptive information such as WSDL and can be categorized in an arbitrary number of ways.
It has a wealth of success stories and detailed descriptive information to help you quickly build machine vision project.
Sets the formatted string to the specified input string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information.
Adds the specified input character to the end of the formatted string, and then outputs position and descriptive information.
Removes the last assigned character from the formatted string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information.
Attributes allow you to place extra descriptive information into metadata that can be extracted using runtime reflection services.
Please send me complete descriptive information and current price of the office equipment and supplies available from your company.
Descriptive information identifies and describes the archive holdings, and system information is used to support archive operations.
User Tags - user-defined descriptive information about the assets, which is in addition to the classification section of the asset manifest.
The new documentation also has significant explanatory and descriptive information in a set of appendices that covers the use of key features.
Adds the characters in the specified input string to the end of the formatted string, and then outputs position and descriptive information.
It involves recording brief descriptive information or metadata about the record and assigning the record an identifier, unique within the system.
Clears all the editable input characters from the formatted string, replacing them with prompt characters, and then outputs descriptive information.
The purpose of this report is to provide descriptive information on green power market trends and programs in both competitive and regulated markets.
China igneous database of Antarctica includes more than 140 fields in which the descriptive information and analytical data of igneous rock are stored.
In this document the background of the authentication process is provided along with descriptive information on how to use the provided SDK to handle SSO.
More detailed registration links the record to descriptive information about the context, content and structure of the record and to other related records.
Removes the assigned characters between the specified positions from the formatted string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information.
Its structure represents all basic information about a business or entity that publishes descriptive information about the entity as well as the services that it offers.
Replaces a single character at or beyond the specified position with the specified character value, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information.
Requirement text is visually differentiated from additional descriptive information in the document (see Figure 2.). This makes it easier to "see the trees in the forest."
Replaces a range of editable characters starting at the specified position with the specified string, and then outputs the removal position and descriptive information.
You may have good descriptive information (such as notes or comments) about a transaction that you do not want to lose, but that isn't useful for analyzing the transaction data.
General component retrieval system provides descriptive information on understanding the component simply, but seldom provides information from the aspect of reusing actually.