Desecration, and so forth, and lectured you on dignity and sanctity.
And they preferred hunger and famine to the desecration of the ancestral grave…
Desecration of the time, the negative of its debt, it will be severely punished by it!
I am extremely worried about this latest desecration to the place that my grandfather held so dear.
Well aware that vice is the desecration of parenthood, the youthful loading, but also find such a feeling?
In Psalm 74 we read of the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as the desecration and burning of the Temple.
In the hands gently pressed the shutter, the camera did not dare, for fear the desecration of such a quiet grace.
We are also likely to split Desecration into two abilities: a PvP-oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff.
To harvest corpse organs belongs to the crimes of desecration of a corpse, it is appropriate for us to regard the corpse as the total or part of the dead body.
The 12 men are also facing further charges of desecration of corpses, illegal possession of photos of corpses, drug abuse and acts of bodily injury against comrades.
It is not devil worship, does not involve hurting or cursing people, is not Satanism, and does not involve the desecration of any traditional church's objects of veneration.
They eventually moved into the house in 1931, three years after the initial commission, only to leave again in 1940, after which occupation and desecration almost destroyed the building.
They eventually moved into the house in 1931, three years after the initial commission, only to leave again in 1940, after which occupation and desecration almost destroyed the building.