METHODS: According to industrial design chart of AID, finite element software MSC.
So this chart and the subsequent charts will give you examples of the types of accidents or transients that need to be considered as part of design basis accidents.
A better design approach would be to expose chart creation with HTTP POST and JSON (for developers) and provide a graphical interface on top of it (for non-developers).
The following flow chart shows the elements of the two worlds: business design and business realization.
Nuclear reactors generate only 14% of the world's electricity, and with a median age of about 27 years (see chart) and a typical design life of 40 a lot are nearing retirement.
This system used E-R chart method to design in order to minimum data redundancy and optimize data consistency and reduce updating abnormity.
本系统采用E -R图法进行规范化设计使得数据冗余最小,数据一致性好,更新异常问题不易发生。
Improvement on hypothesis and arithmetic of the model was advanced and the chart of new model design was proposed.
Hardware include the whole programming of circuit, design, anti-jamming circuit, principal chart of circuit, the circuit board of PCB, jointing the circuit, debugging and assemble the system.
硬件设计包括电路的系统规划、设计、抗干扰电路的设计、原理图的绘制、PC B电路板的制作、电路的焊接、电路的调试以及整个系统的组装。
Asked the sea House, unique sea-view restaurant, signage design it in a cliff, the cliff is the sea, reefs, beaches, where to look is such a beautiful view of the sea chart.
This paper describes a method to design the computer software used for fully automatic wastewater COD determining. The program chart and some practical skills in programming are considered too.
This paper also describes the hardware design and the software flow chart and the on-the-spot survey result is given.
Chart, reports and design data, including photos and electronical files etc.
The paper also design some specific hardware interface circuit to explain its word principle. And also explained program chart of dyeing machine blow head in the application.
This paper detailedly introduces the whole design scheme of the system, the circuit on interface module and 89c51, the method of the software design and program flow chart.
Compared to conventional software design based on flow chart, the protection software is developed based on relay function module, which leads to the separation of time sequence and logic.
The fourth chapter system design, this paper introduces the overall function, database system, the design of the flow chart and UI.
The system possesses species correction function, temperature compensation function, double logarithm curve calculation and history tendency chart design function.
How the design draws an attractive chart, how but is discovered and realizes the beautiful thing.
Be able to design the correct SPC chart type, rational sub-grouping, and sampling frequency.
Compile the process document, design and develop the fixture and equipment, working hour preparation and product flow chart.
To satisfy real-time processing and features of AO board, we made a particular argumentation in software design, the flow chart of the program has been listed.
In this paper, it was mainly introduced that database structure design, system structure chart, system principal result, function of every modular and program flow diagrams.
APL (average product length) is proposed as the criterion for measuring control chart performance to study the optimal design of skewed control chart.
Computer aided analysis and design flow chart and program for current source inverter circuit are presented.
Summary:The product performance way has very much, includes according to them in the product design different stage: Effect chart, model.
This paper introduces the bridge analysis theory at length, and explains the design principle, flow chart, main variables in BSAP program in details.
This article introduces the algorithm of DDS and the principle of hardware design in detail and gives out the circuit diagram, the principle of software design and the flow chart.
We have mainly stated the hardware design, the diagramatic flow chart for operation andmathematical models.
This paper describes the principle and application program of the universal control chart, analyzes the design principle and versatility of the chart, and studies for further applications.
This paper describes the principle and application program of the universal control chart, analyzes the design principle and versatility of the chart, and studies for further applications.