But multidrop addressing turned out to be an excellent design decision as well.
This isn't an oversight, according to Stella Chan this is an intentional design decision.
In the next section, we will see how to translate this design decision into real, working code.
Sometimes, you have to drop back a few steps when a particular design decision doesn't make sense.
But multidrop addressing turned out to be an excellent design decision as well. Here's how I knew.
A significant design decision in Cairo is to support nearly identical output to the greatest extent possible.
At this point of my understanding, it is simply impossible to resolve this kind of design decision automatically.
That question resurfaces at multiple points throughout the project — every time you need to make a design decision.
This is a relatively practical design decision because it ensures that valuable screen space isn't wasted by the URL bar.
In most cases, there is some feature or product design decision that ultimately determines how a Web service will work.
Our first major design decision was determining how an individual should be marked up. We settled on the following structure.
The production line process control to a large extent, good or bad design decision is in control of the system and safety.
This is a great example of a design decision that emerged once the business saw the reality of what they thought they wanted.
From the users' perspective that might be not the best design decision to use as it should be immediately recognizable and memorable.
This project USES a participatory process to inform design decision making in the Manchester neighborhood of Houston, Texas, USA.
Whether that may include actual damage dealing destructibles or not is probably more of a design decision on a case by case basis.
A testing design decision analysis algorithm based on test importance was proposed for software test design strategy optimization.
Full consideration of decision options and decision ramifications are the two factors that determine effective design decision making.
The logic behind this design decision is that indexes add value only when the DBA can predict which queries will be run against the database.
It helps product designers in their design decision-making by providing information about capability and level of manufacturing quality.
Adding superfluous classes to a hierarchy can be just as bad a design decision as having the wrong inheritance relationships between classes.
No. We chose to keep lean out of the game to keep the gameplay experience universal across all platforms. This was a gameplay design decision.
The main design decision was to understand the context and location of the shop: an irregular space with a 10 meter facade and a 5 meter height.
Then the thesis states design decision on controller software system and the flow chart or the calculating description on sub-process of key module.
(Whether or not this add method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException like the other add method does is a design decision you can make on your own.)
Another design decision that would not impact the process definition is the fact that the candidate application could happen in a different human task container.
As discussed, rule expressions may take on a wide range of forms, and a key design decision is the identification of which rules are best expressed in which form.
This design decision was made because the current navigational state must be cloned before modifying it according to the specific semantics of the generated URL.
The design decision to use RCC with bricks and display the structure was taken at an early stage of design to achieve a sense of craft in a commercial building.
The design decision to use RCC with bricks and display the structure was taken at an early stage of design to achieve a sense of craft in a commercial building.