Just because a PhD or famous technical expert published a paper in the Journals of the ACM doesn't always make it a legitimate basis for your "real world" design.
The paper provides a new vision for finance product design, which is based on many conditions of disequilibrium in real finance world in China.
Experimental design for analytical scale of supercritical fluid extraction in the analysis of real world samples was introduced.
"Hiiibrand Awards" is the real brand design competition facing to the world, we try our best to provide more chance for Chinese designers to study and communicate.
“Hiiibrand Awards”是在中国举办的真正意义上面向国际的品牌标志设计大赛,我们努力为中国设计师创造更多的机会,在国际竞技舞台上得到交流和学习。
"Hiiibrand Awards" is the real brand design competition facing to the world, we try our best to provide more chance for Chinese designers to study and communicate.
“Hiiibrand Awards”是在中国举办的真正意义上面向国际的品牌标志设计大赛,我们努力为中国设计师创造更多的机会,在国际竞技舞台上得到交流和学习。