Programming language is an important design item in office automation system research, particularly for the potential desire of clerks for very-high-level programming language.
Items on the palette can be dragged from the palette onto the design area to create a new item.
With this design, the inner table retrieves only one work item at a time, so that as the sub-work items count increases, it takes an increasingly longer time to build the report.
Items on the palette may be dragged from the palette and dropped onto the design area to create a new item.
It enables the production of a single item quickly and cheaply-and then another one after the design has been refined.
Once an item has movedout of the design phase, customers may continue to follow themanufacturing and logistics process until they can purchase the itemthey voted for shortly afterwards.
We explained how to design and create new connectors by using the Item Connector within Rational Team Concert software.
我们解释了怎样使用RationalTeam Concert 软件中的项目连接器来设计和创建新的连接器。
There can be any number of levels of report items - to see the level of a particular report item, you can examine the structure of the report design in Outline, as shown in Figure 8.
In the sample application, the design calls for the Preference screen to be invoked using a menu item.
Design debt can be set apart, by tagging it with a "design-debt" designation, or by using a distinct work item type.
Design review meeting, each team presenting approach and changes to implement each backlog item. Reassign changes as required.
Notice that Item 1 tells the story of how the new "Design Agnostic" focus curtailed what would have become a significant change to the scope of the project.
Introduce a design instance of pressure vessel with nonuniform temperature distribution. The design meets the rules in Item 3.5.2 of GB150-1998 "pressure vessel in Steel".
文章介绍了一例各部分金属温度不同的压力容器的设计,其设计思想符合GB150- 1998《钢制压力容器》中第3.5.2条的规定。
In considering this plot targeting the products, we offer the following Suggestions, and hope to be able to pay attention to product design, to create the quality of the item competitiveness.
Item files of large project construction is the historic records and basis of design, building and management. They have great importance of scientific and technological value.
The paper introduces how to control the cost of construction works from item decision-making phase, design phase, tender phase, construction phase and settlement phase.
The user doesn't see the design and the text, he sees a website. A single integrated item that is either desirable or not.
Testing analysis can find some lack of item design on forepart of testing, lower the risk of item, raise the testing efficiency, economize the testing cost.
The functional design of the system is divided into designs of main body, manage module, data flaw analysis, and item prophase, plan, process control etc.
This device design capability gets the certification in the person who the author developes "Gao Bao's laser shooting training simulator" item, and receives good effect.
A scenario to be addressed by each manager is that how to design multi-item ordering quantity in order to not only reduce the inventory lever but also minimize the total order cost.
According to the characteristics of the gymnastics item and the actual situation, the author puts forward the basic project of multi-media courseware design and making in the campus network.
The database design includes data item design, data conception design, data particular design, and data integration design.
In the end, this paper will describe and introduce the appliance of pattern design in the item of Monitoring on Internet and the whole process of realizing this item.
In the end, this paper will describe and introduce the appliance of pattern design in the item of Monitoring on Internet and the whole process of realizing this item.