On these basis, the paper studies and analyzes the design of knowledge base of network intrusion detection system (NIDS); and discuss the framework of knowledge base for NIDS.
The primary objective of UXD is to identify what will make the application most useful for the intended customer base and including that knowledge as part of the design.
With the study of knowledge engineering design, stress analyzed knowledge acquisition knowledge representation and knowledge base in knowledge engineering besides the application in system.
Engineering science majors design their own programs, building a broad base of knowledge in math and science.
The design idea and the implementation technique of the knowledge acquisition system is put forward based on OPS83, meanwhile the technique of knowledge base maintenance is realized.
Finally, the thesis develops expert system of engine fault diagnosis, and introduces setting-up and maintenance of knowledge base, design of reasoning mechanism and so on in detail.
The knowledge representation and knowledge base of expert system for the design of lock filling and emptying system are introduced briefly.
Based on the data structure experiment teaching ICAI system, the design and realization of domain knowledge base is studied.
The design of the knowledge base user interface for fuzzy knowledge base management system is stated.
The expression form of rules in existing electrical machine design is not easy to read or use, which affects the utilization of knowledge and maintenance of knowledge-base.
The design of the knowledge base is the most important work of the system, which including basic database and rule database.
This article studies the system structure, the integrated way and the design of IDSS knowledge base at first, and then deeply discusses the system vulnerability and network attack modeling.
The methods of improving efficiency of rule-type expert system include the reasoning machine design, knowledge base design and the integration with other advanced technologies.
The principles of selecting the type, methods, system structure, representation of expert knowledges, design and inference model of a knowledge base and spread of level are discussed.
On the technical aspect of knowledge management this article tries to expound: (1) The design of organizational system should base on the idea of organizational learning;
The article is in the basis of the function demand analysis for the product-design knowledge base, use the method object-oriented to structure the product-design knowledge base.
The basic design methods of the knowledge base system, model base system, data base system and graph base system are expounded. Especially, construction of the knowledge base is described in details.
In implementing of the system, database technique and C-F model are combined to design knowledge base. The uncertainty problem is solved by using the forward-backward inference control strategy.
在系统实现中,采用基于关系型数据库和C -F模型进行知识库的设计,用正反向混合推理控制策略进行不确定性推理。
In implementing of the system, database technique and C-F model are combined to design knowledge base. The uncertainty problem is solved by using the forward-backward inference control strategy.
在系统实现中,采用基于关系型数据库和C -F模型进行知识库的设计,用正反向混合推理控制策略进行不确定性推理。