The superlority and feature of using big bite in pass design of section rolling were briefed.
The results provide theory basis for the optimal design of section parameters of the cap - shape frame and the revision of relevant standard.
Besed on theoretic analysis of tube shearing, this paper mainly discusses the design principles and method of tube shearing blade and briefly introduces the design of section shearing blade.
This section also explains why you need XML schema in your enterprise applications and introduces the use of XML design patterns.
Figure 1 shows the overall design of the application, and the next section goes into further detail.
First, you design services that are common to all members of the product line, using the method described in the design section for single systems.
In the next section about service design principles, you learn about the need for logical groupings of services and business-relevant names for services and their operations.
During your implementation, make sure that the content and design of the new section caters specifically to the needs of your target audience and fixes all known deficiencies.
This section investigates the application of the facade pattern [ DP] to the interface design and how you can use it to save even more remote calls.
这一部分研究虚包模式 [DP]在接口设计方面的应用,以及如何使用它来保存更多的远程调用。
A design guide section explains what the elements of the patterns actually are, and the alternatives and trade-offs associated with these elements.
So far, this section of the article has focused on the infrastructure capabilities, ignoring the effect of the multi-tenant design on the user-facing portions of a multi-tenant application.
For detailed information on process state transitions, see the Design of the UNIX Operating System listed in the Resources section.
As we saw in the previous section, a huge problem in class design that makes testing difficult is having to initialize all sorts of objects that aren't required for your test.
We will discuss the design of individual operations in the section Service operation design Principles, below.
This section looks at the discipline of web design, how to approach design as a job, and introduces some mental techniques for increasing enjoyment and success.
Remember that so far I am simply describing the initial design goals of JSP technology; I'll defer my own judgment about the goals until a later section about the problems of JSP technology.
注意,目前为止,我仅仅介绍了JSP技术的最初设计目标;在下一节介绍 JSP 技术存在的问题之后,我将对这个目标作出自己的论断。
This section provides a number of design patterns to improve performance for processing of large messages.
The article includes a design patterns section that contains general descriptions and diagrams of example patterns (step-by-step instructions are not included).
This section provides a feel (and only a feel) for the nature of design decisions and rules of thumb.
This section of the paper examines a simple database design in order to introduce some of the key MySQL concepts and some of the basic tasks you can perform in MySQL
为了介绍一些关键的MySQL概念以及一些您可以在 MySQL 中执行的基本任务,文章的这一节将讨论一个简单的数据库设计。
Based on the tuning of business rules and design in Section 4.1 you come up with a class diagram for your domain objects represented by the POJO. Our recommendations are.
If you click the Diagnostics TAB on either of these documents, you see a section like that shown in figure 1, which USES the Domino 7 Directory design.
如果点击这些文件之一的Diagnostics附签,那么会看到图1所示的部分,它使用Domino7 Directory设计。
Download the Interface Inheritance design pattern from the Downloads section of this article.
The entire Section 4 is on designing dimensional databases, and the manual offers a very good overview of dimensional data modeling and implementing a dimensional database design with Informix.
Thanks to Pattern Tap for making the process of searching by design element relatively painless (even though it doesn't yet have a map section).
This section delves into designing a set of user-defined grammar rules using the Spirit framework. Here's what Spirit requires in order to design your own grammar.
This section describes a set of database design recommendations that lead to simple and efficient database support for storing and analyzing PDB data.
The goal is to get a good cross-section of visitors testing the new design options.
The section design method of slab strips for reinforced concrete and post tensioned concrete slabs is discussed in detail.
The section design method of slab strips for reinforced concrete and post tensioned concrete slabs is discussed in detail.