Create the SecurityManager instance based on the configuration (using Shiro’s Factory concept that represents the Factory Method design pattern).
根据配置创建SecurityManager实例(使用Shiro的工厂概念,它表述了 工厂方法设计模式);
It describes two kinds of design patterns in COM in detail: Factory Method pattern and Proxy pattern, and tells how to realize the former.
The "Cockerel design" is manufactured by hand during 2007-2008 at the Old Factory, in the museum part of Jingdezhen area, the plates moulded by hand and the pattern put on with a paper method.
The "Cockerel design" is manufactured by hand during 2007-2008 at the Old Factory, in the museum part of Jingdezhen area, the plates moulded by hand and the pattern put on with a paper method.