The seal air fans deliver a design pressure that is above the operating pressure in the flue work.
The pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the design pressure of the container or the piping system.
Design pressure shall mean the gauge pressure at the top of a completed vessel in its operating position.
If upstream pressure can exceed D101 design pressure, it will add a block-in contingency to safety valve sizing.
When the system pressure exceeds the design pressure, anti-exploding slice would break itself, which can prevent exploding.
Department as long as the valves at the valve of the pressure changes in the design pressure range, without any artificial adjustment.
1gas Leakage test for piping system shall be carried out according the design document; the test pressure shall be the design pressure.
Stress distribution in the condition of SPT loading, unloading and design pressure reloading was simulated using elastic-plastic finite element model.
Unless otherwise agreed in advance, internal static head shall be added to the design pressure to determine the thickness of any specific part of the vessel.
When design temperature or MDMT cannot coincide with the maximum pressure, the corresponding design pressure shall be designated together with the temperature.
Based on risering and gating theories and practical experience, a computer program used to design pressure risering and pressure control risering system was developed.
The application of titanium vessel in domestic, the active manufacture standard and the titanium's design pressure, design temperature and safety factor were discussed.
The article put forth the design pressure equivalent of flanges is determined in consideration of the properties and classes of the loads that are withdrawn by the flanges.
According to the technology of high precision adjusting pressure, we design pressure adjusting component ourselves, and introduce how to use fuzzy control theory to adjust pressure.
Once the throughput, pipeline route and oil kinds are defined, the main factors, which influence the total cost of isothermal oil pipeline, are material, diameter and design pressure.
Internal expansion joint shall be adopted to single tube side float head heat exchanger for avoiding from large temperature difference stress, when design pressure on shell side is larger.
Every developer becomes aware of the concept of technical debt, whereby you make compromises in your design for the sake of some external force, such as schedule pressure.
Some aspects of the prototype (class specifications, design patterns, or coding idioms) might be able to be reused, but we placed very little pressure on the team to consider reuse at this point.
Beginning to design urban ecosystems holistically rather than piecemeal might alleviate some of the pressure on natural ecosystems.
Failure of the cooling systems allowed pressure to build up beyond the design capacity of the reactors.
If the customer understands design debt, it is much easier to articulate the need to pay it back, and organizations can better avoid incurring inordinate debt caused by short-term time pressure.
“It dumps its pressure load into the straps,” Dr.Schneider said.“Those two together make a very efficient design.
This put significant pressure on the architecture team to look both ahead (to the design) and behind (to the requirements).
The advantages of a solid state design is that they do not require pressure to activate, eliminating moving parts that might break down and keeping dirt from getting into the mechanism.
And one of the most common obfuscators of emergent design is technical debt - compromises imposed on your design for the sake of some external force, such as schedule pressure.
Below is a top-down view of an airflow analysis of the same design on an A320, with the associated pressure contours for an unmodified and modified fairing.
Design should recognize that burner flame length shortens and intensity of radiation increases as pressure increases.
The design process of the piezoelectric force sensor in the insole plantar pressure distribution measurement system was introduced.
If into the dryer compressed air flow and pressure beyond design range, separation effect will decline, liquid water would be through the separator make dryer out of compressed air pressure rise.
If into the dryer compressed air flow and pressure beyond design range, separation effect will decline, liquid water would be through the separator make dryer out of compressed air pressure rise.