It is in favor of the design studying on the load-bearing capacity for the curtain wall self-balance structure.
Prior to beginning his design, the architect spent some time in the client's old home, observing their life and studying their habits.
But the question is only half a religious one; there is something there worth studying, especially if you want to design new languages.
By studying marketing and communications, you could learn how to design, sell, package, and spread products and messages to your intended audience, whether it's locally or globally.
Studying the basic elements of visual design and understanding how they work will help new photographers improve their composition, but simply following rules does not guarantee success.
Miss McLuskey, who studies product design at Edinburgh's Napier University, came up with the idea after studying aural impairments and methods of helping people hear better.
It also took more time to design than you spent in college (including those extra years "studying" chemistry).
"The nice thing about studying animals and human nature," Hare says, "is that it helps us design or think of some strategies that deal with our darker sides."
This paper analyzes the necessity of studying pattern design for hunchback body from the perspective of human engineering.
As an intern in a company last year, instead of studying passively, she was brave enough to ask questions actively and won praise for finding some matters in the design.
The paper aims directly at studying the thoughts of William morris; the modern design pioneer and analyzing source and meaning of his thoughts.
In this circumstance, studying on the design of laser machining system with high reliability, high stability, and high intelligence is very important for the developing of laser machining technique.
Banquet designing looks at banquet and its common patterns as its object of study with the view of studying and solving the design problems appearing in the process of banquet activities.
By studying and improving on ECC mainly, this article deals with the design and encryption algorithm implementation of a hybrid cryptosystem based on elliptic curve.
Many fashion design practitioners have much intention for the future of the industry, warned of senior practitioners, to success in the fashion design industry, must be made in studying the target.
The work of this dissertation is to complete the RTL design and verification of CLB-PVCI bus bridge after studying and analyzing the CLB bus protocol and PVCI protocol.
本论文工作就是在研究和分析CLB总线协议和PVCI协议的基础上,完成CLB - PVCI总线桥的RTL设计和验证。
In addition, through studying the heritage and appreciation of traditional landscape cultures, the creation tactics and the development trend of modern planting design is discussed in the research.
Studying the design theory and technology of client customization products, which satisfied the clients' individuation demand has great significance.
A new design method of digital PII robust adjusting controller for a general process control system with large time varying time delay is developed by studying its properties.
通过分析典型大时变时滞工业过程的特性,提出了一种新的数字PI I鲁棒调节控制器的设计方法。
Analyzing the basic theory and development of PLL, and studying the design theory and impedance match problem of experimental circuit board.
These results give a theoretical foundation for further studying the design and realization of control system of airplane's large_scale motion.
This thesis focuses on the studying methods of the supporting design and analyses on the surround rock.
AIM To design a Web based discussing system for studying.
The paper provides the reference for system design and further studying on imaging algorithm of displaced phase centers multiple azimuth beam SAR.
Aircraft combat survivability has become one of the main indexes in military aircraft design. The goal of studying aircraft vulnerability is to discover how to increase the aircraft survivability.
Aircraft combat survivability has become one of the main indexes in military aircraft design. The goal of studying aircraft vulnerability is to discover how to increase the aircraft survivability.