By strapping urinals on a bunch of trees, a Dutch designer has solved one of the most serious problems men face, finding a toilet when you need one。
Many of her friends hankered after the Montenegran men in Novi Sad because they had money and designer clothes, having sold their houses on the coast to Western buyers.
A wise designer of human instinct would therefore give men a fear of “blowing it” with such rare and precious women.
Designer fashion is no longer just for gay men and Europeans. Welcome to the age of sartorial enlightenment, in which the average male has shed schlumpiness for style.
This designer makes clothes for men, women and kids.
On the other hand, designer stubble is out of the question for men, as is excessive facial hair.
I first sensed this when menswear designer Thom Browne told me that he couldn't use a fabric unless it felt good 'to the hand, ' because men won't buy uncomfortable clothing.
By strapping urinals on a bunch of trees, a Dutch designer has solved one of the most serious problems men face, finding a toilet when you need one.
Beside them, excitable young men peddle DVDs and designer sunglasses.
Beside them, excitable young men peddle DVDs and designer sunglasses.