Thus, she went on to the next step – to stimulate the customer's desire to buy this product.
Do you think the luxury brand's high quality service promote your desire to buy their product?
You might have woken up one fine morning from a dream with a deadly desire to buy a Porsche, but wait before you head off to the dealer.
Though there are less and less things I feel I can't get in Beijing, every time I set foot in America I am overcome with a desire to buy, buy, buy.
For example, search "LCD TV principle" the user is likely only to do research, learn the relevant knowledge, and have no desire to buy, commercial value is low.
When we walk into the supermarket, see all manner of all kinds of advertising will exert the flattened the desire to buy, but now the advertising authenticity reliable?
He could go for the rest of his life without the slightest desire to buy more fabric, but put me in a craft store or quilt shop and I'm a shopping disaster just waiting to happen.
Always try to wait a few days to check whether the desire to buy something is fleeting ― is your decision based on your particular state of mind or is it objectively a good idea?
After complaining of having lost billions of dollars through the collapse in AIG shares, he has made no secret of his desire to buy as large a chunk as possible of his former empire.
Through the design and unique creativity, firmly grasp the induction of consumer desire to buy this "ring", the heterogeneity of visual communication, to achieve the purpose of advertising.
Your ad must attract attention, stimulate consumers' interest, create a desire for your product, and motivate people to take action to buy your product.
Also, the desire of pension-fund managers to buy long-term assets to match their payout commitments has led them into most parts of the credit market.
On the bottom of the graph in Figure 6, a lack of a strategic desire undermines short-term buy-in to the improved approaches.
Through the idea and unique ideas, to seize the desire to induce consumers to buy this "ring" to the heterogeneity of visual communication, to achieve the purpose of advertising.
Some people will do away with gifts altogether and arrange "quality time" with their heart's desire at home instead, while others will set strict budgets for what they are willing to buy, he said.
The man who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the man who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal.
They believe that it may be an affordable time for them to buy their first house, considering the job stability, the desire to settle down, and the low interest rates for the first-time buyers.
You might buy her a whip, but if she does not like pain and has no desire to give you any, the gift is useless.
Mr Thiam was in New York last week in an effort to persuade AIG's management that his company had both the desire and the ability to buy AIA.
Some people will do away with gifts altogether and arrange "quality time" with their heart's desire at home instead, while others will set strict budgets for what they are willing to buy, he said.
In our real estate market, there are two strange phenomena: on one side, there are large amount of stock housing; on the other side, many residents have no desire and ability to buy housing.
The handsomest gift that money can buy is unappreciated if it is prompted by any other motive than the motive than the desire to make the receiver happy.
The handsomest gift that money can buy is unappreciated if it is prompted by any other motive than the motive than the desire to make the receiver happy.