The second tool that we considered is the Google desktop gadget.
Google announces Google Desktop Gadget contest, with $8000 in cash prizes.
在Google宣布, Google桌面小工具竞赛,与$ 8000的现金奖品。
If you're a fan of Desktop Gadgets, you can use the WMC one to scroll through shows from the gadget and launch them in WMC.
If you want to track several KPIs at the same time, then all you have to do is create many instances of the gadget and drop them all in your desktop.
This gadget is essentially equivalent to a desktop search tool that searches for the occurrences of any string you specify in all of your local documents.
If you are working on your desktop most of the time, this gadget is indispensable for being notified by an alert in a timely fashion.
You'll find programs written by enthusiasts and distributed with no strings attached: games, graphics, office suites, fonts, every kind of desktop tool and gadget imaginable.
You'll find programs written by enthusiasts and distributed with no strings attached: games, graphics, office suites, fonts, every kind of desktop tool and gadget imaginable.