Despite the drawbacks of his height he likes to focus on the positives, including his usefulness as a DIY assistant.
Despite the drawbacks, solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15 years, thanks to rapidly falling prices and gains in efficiency.
Despite the drawbacks, J2EE architects have begun to claim plain vanilla stateless session beans with raw JDBC calls as the safest and most commonly recommended data persistence mechanism.
Despite their drawbacks, sundials continued to be used for many years after the invention of mechanical clocks.
Despite it's widespread usage, the SAX2 API has some serious drawbacks for many types of XML processing.
尽管SAX 2API已被广泛使用,但它对于许多类型的XML处理还存在一些严重缺陷。
Despite these drawbacks, the first implantable pacemakers were an improvement over what had come before.
Health improved most in the wealthiest cities, despite drawbacks like the air pollution that has plagued Beijing.
Despite the many drawbacks, distractions and difficulties you feel you face, there are also many wonderful things in your world.
Despite the many drawbacks, distractions and difficulties you feel you face, there are also many wonderful things in your world.