I wandered about in a desultory fashion.
Lynne made desultory conversation with Irene and Alex.
Wilson and Gallagher play a desultory game of poker.
The watery sunshine rested on the walls in blurred and desultory gleame.
The German assaulted on Russia also momentarily disrupted the desultory JapaneseAmerican talks.
Conclusion: The equipments management is desultory, it became well-regulated after using those methods.
The voice of wayside pansies , that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines.
She read much of a desultory sort of literature and as a modern linguist had really made great proficiency .
But what was, only a decade ago, a desultory campaign against the disease now looks like a determined assault.
Though his wealth allowed him a desultory life, he was “driven and motivated by his goals, ” as a relative put it.
The article bring forward a viable means aim at the problem that desultory point exist in the laser profile data.
The two Palestinian factions, bitter rivals for years, have made various desultory efforts to settle their differences.
Though his wealth allowed him a desultory life, he was "driven and motivated by his goals, " as a relative put it.
Likewise we were able to spot the remark which turned a client's dull and desultory talk into a focused self - exploration.
To classify desultory vocabulary in order to further study and memorize will help learners to improve their memory effects.
His studies are very desultory and eccentric, but he has amassed a lot of out-of-the-way knowledge which would astonish his professors.
"One should never investigate a case in a desultory manner," said tom. he slowly detached his pair of silver handcuffs from his police belt.
The west people have the tradition of desultory individualism; many of their therapy method emphasize individual, personal right, individuation.
It was sad that we had only a desultory array of groceries to work with, but each night I would spend hours conjuring magic from a limited universe of ingredients.
The facies has large depositional thickness, showing colina shape, desultory interior reflections and extension along major structural alignment on seismic section.
We proceeded to make the world's most desultory small talk, interrupted by every new arrival, each one necessitating a fresh discussion about who was on and who wasn't.
As one of the most shared songs on Chinese social media platform WeChat in 2016, Live aMore Than Desultory Life evoked strong feelings among the generations born in the 80s and 90s.
作为中国社交平台微信上分享最多的歌曲之一,《生活不止眼前的苟且》在80和90两代人之间引起了强烈反响。 !
The basic idea of it is finding a available data segment first, then using principle of error assess area to find desultory point weeding them and comeback the available data by retrospect at last.
The basic idea of it is finding a available data segment first, then using principle of error assess area to find desultory point weeding them and comeback the available data by retrospect at last.