Work order process details of the show, the formation of fine workmanship, double take the line to make quality more guaranteed.
Your first venture into CRUD operations is to show the details of a single course selected from the course listing.
The following paragraphs briefly describe the pertinent details of these files to show where you'd need to make modifications to get future applications working.
And surveys of NDE accounts show great similarities in the details.
Table 1 and Table 2 show more details of the substitution strings for conversion symbols.
The devices are designed to pick up illicit and potentially dangerous materials but they also show private details of a traveler's body such as breast implants or prosthetic devices.
The next major functional area of the response-time details view is the ability to show the SQL executed in the workload.
"Thoughtful questions show professional maturity; clarification questions show that you are actively listening and thinking of the details," Ceniza-Levine says.
Some intermediary steps and details have been omitted, but the intention here is to show the concept of Web references and how they can be used to automatically generate client proxies.
一些中间步骤和细节已被省略,但这里的目的是展示Web引用的概念以及如何使用 Web 引用自动生成客户机代理。
Build Result editor shows you a summary of a build, and has tabs that show the details output gathered for the different steps of the build.
构建结果(Build Result) 编辑器向您显示某个构建的情况概要,并具有选项卡,用于显示从该构建的不同步骤中收集的详细信息输出。
When you click an order number, the other portlets show the details of that particular order.
In this article, we will show you how to store objects using the Preferences API and provide a working library that takes care of the details for you.
Sketch the details of the exterior wall construction you intend to use as we show in this article.
For the purpose of the demonstration, you show the details on the same page, limiting the number of views to construct.
This more detailed view of the execution time is starting to show some good details.
The recombined frames show off both the rich star field and faint details of the comet.
In the processed digital image, multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to show details of the bright lunar surface along with the Pleiades stars.
Design Director: Can you give us details about the key features (the project's design concept) for horticultural show of Xi 'an?
This diagram doesn't show the details found in a complete network diagram; rather, it's meant to highlight the pieces of the enterprise that are the most crucial to business operations.
The goal of the end-to-end details display is to show exactly how time is spent throughout all the layers of the system.
One page may show details on a company, along with a list of the sales representatives for that company.
The details are left to each piece of software, but I'd expect to see this kind of link show up on a right-click menu in more-innovative browsers.
Details were announced at an event in Amsterdam fronted by Jonathan Ross and Ortis Deley of Channel 5's The Gadget Show, who described it as a 'complete and utter game changer'.
具体信息在阿姆斯特丹的活动中被披露。 当时在现场的英国5频道《新鲜小玩意》的主持JonathanRoss和OrtisDeley惊叹3DS彻底的改变了游戏世界。
Show the test run details by selecting the Events TAB at the bottom of the execution history.
The details for the second extract show that the part of the name string up to the first comma gets copied to the lastName attribute of the Person object.
Show the scopes of your accom#plishments by stating the results of your efforts, using the quantitative or qualitative details.
In the next sections, you will expand the Open 18 application with functionality to show the details of a single course, as well as add, edit, and delete courses.
Figures 9 and 10 below show each of the four tabs for the Journal GUI tool when displaying details for task 'MyFirstTask'.
下面的图9和图10逐个显示了JournalGUI工具的4个标签在显示任务' MyFirstTask '的细节时的情景。
Figures 9 and 10 below show each of the four tabs for the Journal GUI tool when displaying details for task 'MyFirstTask'.
下面的图9和图10逐个显示了JournalGUI工具的4个标签在显示任务' MyFirstTask '的细节时的情景。