Its detection distance subjects to the intensity of magnetic field of detected object.
The background is a detected object as the target, and it can't served as a source of noise.
Most detected objects are already known and cataloged, but occasionally a new object is discovered.
Take as standard detected object to detect the basic performance. The shape, size and material have been determined.
Phase-detecting resolution can be improved by raising digits of A/D converter and is independent of the speed of detected object.
Work out the tracking output times per second by repeatedly approaching the detected object. · Brief detection method sees the above diagram.
The inclined sensor has simple structure and low cost, and can correctly detect the inclined state of the detected object at the two-dimensional direction.
The collimation control system features the functions of video graduation lines dynamic generating, position identify and dynamic collimation of detected object.
The shower electron was determined to be the detected object since the results from accelerator physics and Monte-Carlo calculation show that it carries strong position information.
Computer simulation and experimental results make it clear that this method can effectively remove noise in phase map, unwrap the wrapped phase, and reconstruct the surface of the detected object.
By the early hours of the following morning, on Feb 25, military radar detected an unidentified flying object 120 miles offshore approaching the coastline.
On the final dive of the trip, the scanning sonar detected a large object on the seafloor.
It is indeed possible that an object gets rendered into another object right before a collision gets detected.
If a threat in OLE object is detected, the application does not suggest user to perform disinfection. Possible actions in this case - place file to quarantine or delete it.
The temperature of an object detected by the infrared detector depends on the emission coefficient, the distance and the lighting area.
They detected that heat flared from the object for just over six months, then faded away in early March 2008.
The IC can also be configured for use as a proximity sensor, allowing a nearby hand or object to be detected.
The new algorithm based on color hue is put forward to detect the shadow of moving object, and the shadow is detected successfully.
In this case, Object Services will raise specific exceptions when concurrency violations are detected.
If an infected object is detected, it is stored in the quarantine folder or deleted.
If you provide a duplicate name that is detected by the DBMS, Visual database Tools will initially accept the name, but the DBMS will reject the name when you try to save the object to the database.
Through image subtracted to get object, part projection to segment buttons and real time detection redundantly, and the face of remote control is automatically detected.
Jets were scrambled when the object was detected in the no-fly zone, and although it was shot down, the IDF reports that the debris has yet to be found.
Sound waves emitted by or reflected from an object are detected by sonar apparatus and analyzed for information.
Specifically, that means the game detects a drop when the trigger pressure is (for example) 20% less than the peak trigger pressure detected since the player picked up the object.
Astronomers have confirmed that an exploding star spotted by Nasa's Swift satellite is the most distant cosmic object to be detected by telescopes.
Its key technology is the current compensation object detected in the other harmonics and reactive current component.
The feature points distributed on the 3D model surface of an object are detected to create a feature-outline model for fast alignment between the 3D model and its real intensity image.
METHODS the air, UV intensity, the object surface, staff's hands, and the using of disinfectant were detected.
METHODS the air, UV intensity, the object surface, staff's hands, and the using of disinfectant were detected.