The current detecting circuit 6 detects a large current.
RESP signal detecting circuit using impedance method is introduced.
The comparator controlling circuit and detecting circuit are analyzed.
Signal recording method, phase difference detecting circuit, and information apparatus.
As for the detecting circuit of the capacitances, the "charge sense" circuit is designed.
The hardware circuit comprises three parts: inverter, detecting circuit and main control unit.
Detecting circuit consists of a fully differential operational amplifier and an instrument amplifier.
The part of the hardware includes strain resistance, signal detecting circuit, data acquisition and processing system, etc.
When the small current is detected by the constant current detecting circuit 5, a signal is supplied to the control circuit 4.
A detecting circuit which can detect human heart rate precisely and reliably when doing exercises, is introduced in this paper.
A current stimulation neural signal regeneration IC which consists of a detecting circuit and a stimulating circuit is presented.
The method can effectively reduce noise interference of the detecting circuit and increase signal noise ratio of the output signal.
Automatic detecting circuit, signal adjust circuit, DSP and CAN peripheral port circuit and electrical source circuit was designed.
A current detecting circuit 6 is connected to both ends of the resistor 2 and detects a current from a voltage across the resistor 2.
The design, analysis and testing of the welding current signal detecting circuit for spot welding machine are discussed in this paper.
Automatic detecting circuit, signal adjusting circuit, DSP and CAN peripheral port circuit and electrical source circuit are designed.
The authors analyze the frequency characteristic of detecting circuit and prove the stability of the proposed detecting system theoretically.
Detecting circuit realization and data information processing method of anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) vehicle detecting system are presented.
The design of the single chip system, sample box thermostat circuit, sample position detecting circuit and step motor control circuit are discussed.
In this paper, the design idea of a fast windowed read-out system for LPDA in the detecting circuit of the LPDA-GFAAS experimental system is described.
A temperature detecting circuit, acombustion aiding air motor control circuit, a cool air gate motor control circuit and analarm circuit were designed.
The rotary driving circuit, position detecting circuit, and welding current sampling circuit of the high speed rotating arc sensor are introduced in detail.
The peak time detecting circuit which is composed of full-wave rectification circuit and differential circuit can detect the reach time of echo signal accurately.
Impact detecting resistors (141), (143) of an impact detecting circuit (104) detect a counter electromotive force of a step motor (105) generated due to an impact.
This paper designs a kind of power detecting circuit of switch power supply used for audio power amplifier. It presents the principle and realization method of the circuit.
The operation principle of a detecting circuit in which avalanche photo-diode (APD) is used as photoelectric conversion device and the every part of the circuit are presented.
The controller make up of TMS320F2812 DSP chip, detecting circuits include sampling circuit, modulate circuit and phase locked loop and other periphery control and drive circuit.
In this paper, the operating principle of a planar vibrator micromechanical silicon accelerometer, the way of preparation and the designing of the detecting circuit are introduced.
Various type of noises of displacement detecting circuit of accelerometer for gravity satellite are analyzed and computed through deriving the relationship between input and output.
This paper introduces a typical detecting circuit and discusses how to determine the SNR and the threshold of discrimination range when the laser pulse signals in the white noise are detected.