"A DNA test will allow us to determine to what measure the pathology of the eye may have 'tricked' him, " he said.
Genetics may determine to what extent you're swayed by the alcohol consumption of people around you, new research suggests.
It took two minutes for TSA to determine to its satisfaction that I was the lady who lived in the green house in Pennsylvania.
You may determine to rollout asset management initially based on one organizational template and then move to another organizational template in time.
It enables the operator to determine to what extent the portal consumes valuable resources (such as CPU or memory) while it adheres to the defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
它使操作员能够确定门户在遵守服务级别协议(Service Level Agreement,SLA)的同时,对宝贵资源(如cpu或内存)的消耗程度。
We must believe we have talents in doing the things that we are doing and determine to accomplish it at any cost.when it is over, you can proudly say, "I have done all I could!"
Article 29 the autonomous organ of an autonomous region of ethnic minorities may determine to reduce or exempt the enterprise income tax by enterprises within the said autonomous region.
He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors, but barely enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it.
The fairest way to determine who gets the chance to wed on Sunday and ensure everyone can properly plan for their own big day is through a lottery system.
To determine risk, doctors can ask their patients two simple questions. First, do you flush after drinking a glass of beer?
In a bumpy business landscape where there are so many demands on executives' time, leaders must determine what's critical to their companies.
Researchers will now be able to determine the parentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.
Terman has developed a questionnaire to help determine whether expert care is needed.
You have an elegant way to determine both the content and the style of each cell in the table.
Biologists studying wild monkeys sometimes need the genetic material DNA from a particular monkey to determine the animal's parentage.
We compare these signatures with those of particular elements like zinc or lead, to determine what the pigment was made of.
In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village.
The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms.
You need to assess all project risks to determine if the projects are within acceptable levels of risk.
We might be asked, for example, to determine what different elements could produce a spectrum that gave 5 different lines.
The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian's property.
Experts say testing needs to be done on each contaminant to determine the long-term effects on humans.
Their specific task is to sort through the reams of information and try to determine what it means.
In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli.
Future research is needed to determine how, in those situations, choice blindness can be avoided.
Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.
Outsiders may then find it difficult to determine your contributions and strengths.
Halley realised that Mercury was so far away that its parallax angle would be very difficult to determine.
Halley realised that Mercury was so far away that its parallax angle would be very difficult to determine.