A query plan ideally is an optimal plan to execute the given query - that is, it determines the most efficient way to fetch the data.
This Define Evaluation Mission "workflow determines the test goal or test assignment for the iteration and the scope of the test based on the master test plan."
The amount put into a plan largely determines the resulting pension, so the current level of DC contributions will not deliver anything like the old final-salary pensions.
The model first generates judge-array based on fuzzy optimal theory; and latter determines the optimal plan with the entropy weight decision-making method.
Tectonic migration determines that the distribution of oil-gas pools have a certain regularity in plan in the Bohai Bay basin.
This article analyzes the working principle of the water-ring vacuum pump and determines a reform plan which can resolve this problem.
"God has a plan for everyone's life, but Satan will try to block it, " and a person's preparation for spiritual challenges determines the outcome, Ward said.
上帝在每个人的一生有一个计划,但撒旦总是会试着堵住它, 一个人在灵性上接受挑战的准备会决定结果。
"God has a plan for everyone's life, but Satan will try to block it, " and a person's preparation for spiritual challenges determines the outcome, Ward said.
上帝在每个人的一生有一个计划,但撒旦总是会试着堵住它, 一个人在灵性上接受挑战的准备会决定结果。