For nearly a year now we on the AJDT project team have been using AspectJ and AJDT to develop AJDT itself.
Each of the individual subunits or fragments can exist separately under version control and helps enable a project team to develop a model in parallel.
For some it can be unnerving to share their work as they develop it, but if the project team is to collaborate, maintain quality, and drive progress quickly, it's the only way.
By including the test case writers in the use case workshop, the team can develop an early understanding of the stakeholder needs related to the project.
She notes, "This project, as with the others, required team members who would be able to develop accurate schedules and work well with senior residents occupying the apartments."
Coupled with a talented golf course architect, the project team can develop the best of both worlds into a functional business endeavor.
The designer of the selected architectural scheme will be invited to join the project team to develop the design for construction.
The designer of the selected architectural scheme will be invited to join the project team to develop the design for construction.