I had sort of a romantic idea when coming to a developing country where everyone is super motivated but just does not have opportunities.
A developing and progressing China does not pose a threat to any country.
He spends a lot of time at stores around the country, at Satine in Los Angeles, Jeffrey in Atlanta and Ikram in Chicago, developing ideas for specific customers and climates.
And now, just this month, we have a brand new guide setting out the steps to follow when developing a country-led platform for information and accountability.
The worst natural disaster to hit a developing country in decades claimed about 167,000 lives and destroyed schools, houses, churches, roads and livelihoods.
A larger than average proportion of Danish women are smokers, while the country also has high levels of alcohol consumption, both of which have been shown to increase the risk of developing cancer.
Concerted country efforts have helped raise girls' enrollments significantly in the past decade, reaching gender parity in primary school enrollments in most (83 of 106) developing countries.
Developing a mentoring approach by national “experts” for each region in the country to provide treatment advice to health workers and undertake supervisory missions;
Some of them were donated by people who thought they were helping satisfy the rapidly growing appetite for modern technology in a developing country where few can afford it.
This includes two aspects: On the one hand, the complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed. China is the largest developing country in the world.
Under such a special saturation of our country, we are urged to make a reasonable plan of developing the energy in the new century.
The fuel shortage awoke the country to the need for developing atomic energy.
As a developing country, the consensus reached by the large number of countries: in the case of multilateral consultations should create a universal adherence to international conventions.
Members agree to facilitate the provision of technical assistance to other Members, especially developing country Members, either bilaterally or through the appropriate international organizations.
Establishing and developing the managing structure is the foundation and precondition of modern enterprise system in our country.
Currently, the public art education in common high schools of our country is still in the developing condition which needs to be made perfect.
It plays an important role in enhancing vehicles test technology of our country that developing the advanced shifting manipulator of gear-box test.
What social relations were developing between nobility and peasantry, town and country, women and men?
In the face of our country energy shortage, developing energy saving products and adopting new circling green energy are the best solution.
Commercial mortar is divided into two forms between Wet-mortar and Dry-mixed mortar, and the latter is developing in our country.
Protect educational sovereignty is the important prerequisite that country guarantee educational function developing.
Protect educational sovereignty is the important prerequisite that country guarantee educational function developing.