Therefore, the universal and sensitive topic of the pre-school children would have an extremely profound impact on the physical and mental development and the future periods of personality formation.
It can exert a great influence on the affective, cognitive, spiritual and personality development.
Fiction is one of the literature styles, which focuses on the depiction of the personality and reflects social life by its complete plot development and setting description.
AIM: To investigate the influence of the early psychosocial intervention on behavior development in normal only children by applying the programs for perfecting personality in only children.
Based on the analysis of self-image, personality and females personality, the article demonstrates that self-image plays an important role in the development of females personality.
OBJECTIVE: to probe into the influence of parents' educational psychology control and development pattern on children's personality.
Reading has important effect such as the enriching knowledge, the development field of vision, influencing the sentiment, the raise personality, the inspiration wisdom and so on.
Results Parental quality of life has significant effects on intelligence and personality development of their children, especially in the physical domain and psychological domain (P<0.001).
结果单因素分析发现,父母生存质量的生理、心理领域均对儿童智力、个性发育有显著影响(P< 0 .0 0 1 )。
Results Parental quality of life has significant effects on intelligence and personality development of their children, especially in the physical domain and psychological domain (P<0.001).
结果单因素分析发现,父母生存质量的生理、心理领域均对儿童智力、个性发育有显著影响(P< 0 .0 0 1 )。