Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by rejecting or threatening to ostracize those who deviate from the primary group's norms.
The latter are in order as follows: Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria and Psychopathic Deviate.
We never deviate from our principles.
You may choose to deviate from either of these lists.
Users may have valid reasons to deviate from these rules.
The show does deviate from the comics, but producers aren't worried.
And the compiler warns you if and when you deviate from that type.
Once you have your plan setup, do NOT deviate from it unless a real emergency occurs.
Know the specifications by heart and deviate from them only after careful consideration.
The option is presented only so that you may deviate to select weighted round robin.
HC does not deviate from this standard, but it USES a trick to simplify writing the front end.
High enough to force Mr Zuma to deviate from his declared market-friendly macroeconomic policies?
The two-week inquest heard that officers could deviate from standard guidance in some circumstances.
If you deviate from the option selected, be sure you understand the implications of your choice.
This will give you another reason not to deviate from your plans and avoid getting lost and tired.
It is important to stick to the classical usage of these HTTP methods and not try to deviate from them.
I deviate from Giada's recipe in that she USES a mixture of beef, veal and pork, but I use all beef.
At the age of 12 they started wearing a veil, in order not to deviate from the customs of the country.
And this difference is what's going to determine how far the liquid mixture will deviate from the ideal solution case.
The only time you should ever deviate from a spec is when there is a clear problem that cannot be addressed within the spec.
Choose and teach the child the safe route home from school and make sure the child understands not to deviate from this.
I can now appreciate how much courage it must have taken for those teachers to let me deviate so broadly from the lesson plan.
Risk aversion, fear of default and depleted bank capital have caused private borrowing rates to deviate sharply from policy rates.
They did not deviate from the king's commands to the priests or to the Levites in any matter, including that of the treasuries.
Though other important behaviors need to be considered as well, vocal changes that deviate from the norm can indicate deception.
In the subsequent monitoring phase, Korset looks over the program's shoulder and ensures that it doesn't deviate from that model.
The implementation, by choice or by accident, will inevitably deviate from the design, resulting in some degree of architectural degradation.
经选择的或者不经意的实现将不可避免地背离设计,导致某种程度的架构降级(architectural degradation)。
This included a commitment not to deviate too far from international banking norms, and to preserve the City's role as a financial centre.
A new Bernstein Research survey claims, "we find that consumers are not interested in form factors that deviate from the benchmark set by Apple."
一项来自Bernstein Research的新调查表明:“我们发现消费者们对与苹果公司设定的尺寸基准不同的设备外形并无兴趣。”
A new Bernstein Research survey claims, "we find that consumers are not interested in form factors that deviate from the benchmark set by Apple."
一项来自Bernstein Research的新调查表明:“我们发现消费者们对与苹果公司设定的尺寸基准不同的设备外形并无兴趣。”