For example, reports that include the average response time now also provide a standard deviation from that time.
In case of deviation of the measured average thickness from the specified average value, the Wafer Yield adjustment has to come into force.
A series of analyses for the coordinates of points gotten from the photogrammetry have been done, including precision, deviation and average value and so on.
This pattern is based on an average of many years, of course, and there can be wide year-by-year deviation from that pattern.
Note: Uncertainty in table is showed by the square minus of the standard deviation from laboratory average data and sample unhomogeneity.
Breeding value for average daily gain of 10 Erhualian boars was estimated by the BLUP method. The same was estimated as Least Squares Constants and from the Herdmate average Deviation method.
Statistical data on the average wage in the public why such a deviation from personal experience?
The standard deviation of a set of numbers is the average distance the set of numbers is from the mean of the set of numbers.
The standard deviation of a set of numbers is the average distance the set of numbers is from the mean of the set of numbers.