Lighting darkness, with fate unblessed, I soon devolve to shapeless mess.
David Cameron is sticking to his plans to devolve more power to those directly delivering the services, cut out bureaucratic middle men and enhance competition.
These arguments relate little, if at all, to the business problem at hand and tend to devolve into pedantic arguments of semantics.
The Northern Ireland Assembly voted for a plan to devolve policing and justice powers to Belfast.
And, despite occasional attempts to devolve power in line with Mr Cameron's "Big Society", the state will still fundamentally be the same shape, trying to do virtually all the same things.
Friends would try to set me up with girls and I'd remind them that most marriages quickly devolve into loveless, soul-crushing arrangements.
Without constant attention to application software quality, today's state-of-the-art application can quickly devolve into tomorrow's legacy monstrosity.
But if people tire of it and cede control to special interests that do not align with the public interest, Peer to Patent could devolve into just another prop for the status quo.
As Mercury reviews the details of recent weeks, the secret of your success will be not allowing that review to devolve into an inner litany of regret.
If we devolve or get to a two-tier it will weaken the alliance and we will have much work to do.
If I were to emulate James Joyce and devolve the level of my prose into smaller, simpler sentences with easy words, would you even understand what I was doing?
If I were to emulate James Joyce and devolve the level of my prose into smaller, simpler sentences with easy words, would you even understand what I was doing?