There are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them.
And there are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them.
Being devoted to learning a second language, whether you are old or young, will add to a lot of fun and broaden your horizon.
You may well have another, professional blog devoted to your vocation or work life.
Advertising is a huge business - devoted to making you buy stuff which you wouldn't otherwise have bought.
Show your boss that even though you value your relationship and personal life, you are similarly devoted to your professional success.
Type the words “family history” into any internet search engine, and you will be presented with more than 240 million online pages devoted to one of our favourite hobbies.
Again, let me state that vegetarianism isn’t for everyone. If you are fanatically devoted to meat (and I was at one time, so I understand),you might not be interested.
请让我再一次申明 不是每个人都适合做素食者.如果你对肉类很狂热(我曾经是这样的 所以我能体会你的心情) 你可能不会对转变成素食者感兴趣.如果你的食谱很健康 或者你对你的健康毫不在意 你也不用阅读此文.
I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.
These goals are at odds with each other; you can’t sell garbage while telling people not to eat it, and we need an agency devoted to encouraging sane eating.
For those who are devoted to China-EU relations, I hope you will remember this year for the following features of our relationship.
I am devoted to you, Tessy, dearest, in all sincerity!
Typically Agile teams are devoted to a single project and are focused on getting that out the door, but with SOA you have this cross-project concern of eliciting reusable services.
What you will realize is that you have very likely devoted your life to not being anything like this person.
For example, at this site, you can download a slide deck devoted to defining Agility in military terms.
How much do you really make for each hour that you spend devoted to your job?
Have you ever felt selfish when you devoted some time to yourself rather than spending time with your family or working on a new project at work?
You are devoted to reproducing the tough yet proud history of China's opening to the world in the early years since the founding of new China, which is of great significance.
The book is a huge success — millions of people bought it, there's a rabid and devoted following, and the publisher is already forcing you to bang out several sequels.
This first part of the article is devoted to covering just these issues. It lays out the terrain you need to cover if you want to write your own benchmarking framework.
If you were in his position, would you feel happy? Would you not prefer your wife to be faithful and devoted to you?
And how much time do you spend doing things devoted to your job, such as going to work, coming home from work, attending work-related functions, and so on?
you can't sell garbage while telling people not to eat it, and we need an agency devoted to encouraging sane eating.
When something tastes so good that people spend US$20 billion each year in a single restaurant chain devoted to it, you know it has to fit into this list.
In this country you all so well-informed about the Far East, and such devoted friends of China, that I do not need to expatiate on the situation there.
He says you have to be devoted or you'll be kicked out!
He says you have to be devoted or you'll be kicked out!