It is estimated that with basic diabetes management and care, up to 80% of all diabetic foot amputations can be prevented.
With diseases like diabetes, which requires a lot of self-care, poor management can lead to more complications, which in turn can feed back and exacerbate the mental-health condition.
To explore the effect of systematic management of hypertension and diabetes with community oriented primary care (COPC) model.
Despite the fact that almost 20 percent of all health care dollars are spent on the management of people with diabetes, the diabetes epidemic and its associated pain and suffering grow and grow.
The Global Conference on Amputation Prevention, Diabetes Management, and Diabetic Foot and Diabetic Wound Care.
The journal focuses on the following areas of interest: surgery, wound care, bone healing, pain management, in-office orthotic systems, diabetes and sports medicine.
The "Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus"would be helpful for laboratorian and clinician in the diabetes care.
“糖尿病诊断治疗中实验室检测项目的 应用建议”对于医学检验人员和临床医生具有较好的理论和实践指导意义。
Conclusion This system is useful in improving the efficiency of standardized management, self-management and health-care education in diabetes.
Conclusion This system is useful in improving the efficiency of standardized management, self-management and health-care education in diabetes.