Broadband is still more expensive than dial-up services.
The user at home can access his company's Intranet by dial-up authentication.
A service that most people used at a painfully slow speed on a dial-up modem.
The Internet: the spread of broadband connections heralds the demise of dial-up access.
Using a dial-up link certainly makes it less likely that a computer will be compromised.
As broadband is bundled and becomes even cheaper than dial-up, he expects more older surfers to switch.
The ever decreasing amount of dial-up Internet users continues to push acceptable image sizes up and up.
For their part, elderly users who rely on dial-up access may see little reason to upgrade to broadband.
Particularly back in the days of dial-up internet, JPGs were the only viable way to send image information.
Because I’m too lazy to complain, I’ve been paying $45 a month for DSL the speed of dial-up. (Fixed last week!)
Since the time of limited-bandwidth dial-up modems, browsers have limited the number of client-server connections.
It was an online community like CompuServe and eventually started offering people dial-up access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
Every year AOL loses a few million of the more than 20m people in America and Europe who pay it for dial-up Internet access (see chart).
For many users accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time you log on.
Roughly half of new subscribers converted from slower-speed, dial-up Internet access while the other half of households had no prior access.
Your mother and grandmother probably have cable modems, rather than dial-up, and if you're reading this at work, you're very likely on a T1 or T3.
At the moment, AOL assumes that many of its dial-up subscribers will stick with their slow Internet access and continue to pay for its services.
More data is passed to the cache and processor; this is somewhat analogous to the improvement that broadband connections offer over dial-up connections.
You've undoubtedly forgotten the dial-up experience, but try to remember back when you actually could see a Web page load line . . . by . . . line . . . .
AOL and Yahoo! Came of age a decade ago in different corners of the Internet: one as the biggest provider of dial-up access, the other as the leading web directory.
Contrary users may choose to remain on dial-up simply because the slow speed and intermittent connection provides a bulwark against the fast-moving online world.
The high-pitched shrieking of dial-up modems, once the herald of a new digital age, now increasingly evokes a bygone era. It may even make some users feel nostalgic.
However, users on dial-up might never be able to experience its real advantages, because in many cases, Ajax requires a lot of communication between browsers and servers.
However, users on dial-up might never be able to experience its real advantages, because in many cases, Ajax requires a lot of communication between browsers and servers.