I might occasionally dial up a server to get mail or FTP files, but most of the time I was offline.
Soon you can dial up your friend just using a headset. The rest of the phone can be on your belt.
By the end of 1999, practically all schools had at least dial up connection (mostly small country side schools).
I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net.
Broadband is still more expensive than dial-up services.
She picked up the receiver and started to dial.
But even if you follow just these 20 + tips, your pages will load more quickly and your users will be happier-no matter whether they run on dial-up or on a dedicated broadband line.
The high-pitched shrieking of dial-up modems, once the herald of a new digital age, now increasingly evokes a bygone era. It may even make some users feel nostalgic.
More data is passed to the cache and processor; this is somewhat analogous to the improvement that broadband connections offer over dial-up connections.
The user at home can access his company's Intranet by dial-up authentication.
You've undoubtedly forgotten the dial-up experience, but try to remember back when you actually could see a Web page load line . . . by . . . line . . . .
Contrary users may choose to remain on dial-up simply because the slow speed and intermittent connection provides a bulwark against the fast-moving online world.
The Internet: the spread of broadband connections heralds the demise of dial-up access.
For many users accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time you log on.
The ever decreasing amount of dial-up Internet users continues to push acceptable image sizes up and up.
As broadband is bundled and becomes even cheaper than dial-up, he expects more older surfers to switch.
Because I’m too lazy to complain, I’ve been paying $45 a month for DSL the speed of dial-up. (Fixed last week!)
Your mother and grandmother probably have cable modems, rather than dial-up, and if you're reading this at work, you're very likely on a T1 or T3.
For dial-up Internet access, the figures were 1.1 percentage points and 0.75 percentage points respectively; for broadband Internet, 1.4 percentage points and 1.2 percentage points.
AOL and Yahoo! Came of age a decade ago in different corners of the Internet: one as the biggest provider of dial-up access, the other as the leading web directory.
Since the time of limited-bandwidth dial-up modems, browsers have limited the number of client-server connections.
A service that most people used at a painfully slow speed on a dial-up modem.
Then there is the high graphical content of the rich world's web: videos and social networking are unworkable in the snail-slow dial-up offered in most African internet cafés.
We are going to be installing several software packages that will require several hundred MB of free disk space and may take hours to download if you are using a dial-up Internet connection.
You are going to be installing several software packages that will require several hundred MB of free disk space and may take hours to download if you are using a dial-up Internet connection.
You are going to be installing several software packages that will require several hundred MB of free disk space and may take hours to download if you are using a dial-up Internet connection.