Every 15 seconds, a child dies from a diarrheal disease.
Rising flood waters raise the incidence of malaria and diarrheal disease.
WHO is supplying Diarrheal Disease kits, Emergency Health kits and other medicines.
Objective to explore the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of acute diarrheal disease during a filed exercise.
Hotter and wetter conditions are also likely to increase the spread of diarrheal disease, which is particularly dangerous to children.
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is one of the important pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrheal disease in human and some young stock.
Methods There were 38 children with acute diarrheal disease(male 17, female 21)in acute diarrheal disease group(group AD), 10 health children in control group.
Since 1971, and with the active support of the World Health Organization and donors, this type of oral rehydration has become a standard treatment for diarrheal disease.
Objective to search for the changes of serum motilin and gastrin levels and the relationship between the levels and symptom in children with acute diarrheal disease.
Diarrheal disease and acute respiratory infections kill more than 3.5 million children under the age of five each year, according to UNICEF's State of the World children Report.
Aim: to describe clinical characteristics and age - and season - specific incidences of diarrheal episodes, and to evaluate risk factors associated with the occurrence of diarrheal disease.
An outbreak of diarrheal disease after flooding in Bangladesh in 2004 involved >17,000 cases; Vibrio cholerae (O1 Ogawa and O1 Inaba) and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli were isolated (13).
An outbreak of diarrheal disease after flooding in Bangladesh in 2004 involved >17,000 cases; Vibrio cholerae (O1 Ogawa and O1 Inaba) and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli were isolated (13).