My sister has a habit of keeping a diary and writes down what happens every day.
A total of 600 employed and unemployed respondents were asked to construct a diary of the previous day, listing all the activities they engaged in and how they felt during each one.
Dispatches from the first and second day of this diary are both online, as is the article thatwas published in this week's paper.
It lists all royal diary appointments from the previous day and was created by George III in 1803, reportedly after he became frustrated with inaccurate newspaper reports.
I know this because, before we met, you showed me your diary and you wrote about this day.
When I looked that day up in my diary I found that I had noted it down as "a very empty day" when it rained and nothing much happened.
At the retreat, absolutely no talking is allowed except for a one-hour counselling session a day, and recording a short diary on tape.
When Czerwinski et al. (2004) carried out a diary study of people in various different occupations they found that, on average, people spent 23% of their working day dealing with email.
The former civil servant lives with his son, drinks milk every day and has no major illnesses, although he now writes in his diary only once or twice a month.
When I turned 12, my aunt, the family scribe, gave me a small diary with a red cover. "Write about the things that fill your day," she said.
He set up WebCameron, an Internet video diary featuring David Cameron, the party leader, which continues to this day.
The online life is one where we awake with the sun and go about our day using healthy automatic habits like the cold shower, 10-minute meditation, and morning diary writing.
I hope the day comes soon when you don't have any line in your diary.
On a morose day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer, a few words blurred her eyes. It was his diary.
I am right here writing a diary, working on the seventeenth piece of work of the day,before the clock hitting 12.
One day, I was looking for some information, they found, when I got married, my father gave me a gift, a diary, when my father said to me: This is my mother's diary with you, I hope it will help you.
In a third study, female undergrads filled out a daily diary over three weeks, reporting on the goals they pursued each day and the activities they engaged in.
You can also keep a diary, and use your English skills to write down what happened to you during your day.
Every day is not to change signature to see who, I be but put it as openly diary originally written.
I decided every day writes the Chinese and English diary in here, just so I never forget these days.
Their cortisol levels were measured from small samples of saliva provided three times a day for three consecutive days and the participants reported their feelings each night in a diary.
On the day of mother's hundred days of worship, I wrote a poem with Gongger grassland as the background and a diary regarding mother.
Physical activity levels were assessed using a diary and pedometer to measure the amount of footsteps taken each day.
The Folded Clock is a Diary, a collection of musings written offhandedly each day by its author.
Do not wasted the new 365 days, carries a no-performance recorded in the personal diary, boredom to move in the twenty-first century, the first two decades on behalf of a new Year's day.
From this day onwards, I will write diary everyday. Due to in fact that write diary can improve my En.
Two final experiments tracked participants' moods and energy levels throughout the day using diary entries.
Two final experiments tracked participants' moods and energy levels throughout the day using diary entries.