Lots of people would have changed their major, or done an internship, or started looking for work sooner while enrolled. Did you notice what category of regrets got the lowest share of responses?
Talkback:If E you've attempted to change how things get done at work, how did you get people onboard with your plan? Leave a comment below.
反馈:如果你尝试过改变一个单位内的工作方式,你当时如何调动人员积极性,让他们愿意与你共进退?欢迎留言评论。 。
Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?
Think about the work you have done, the job you had in college, volunteer work you did, or the club that you founded.
Put another way, it should be clear from the introduction what related work has been done before, why the current study was performed, what you did, and what you found.
Eddie: Well, thank you. I have done this kind of work before. I love children, and of course I did a good job raising my own son.
"You did a great job and I am so appreciative of all the work you've done," Obama told him.
"You did a great job and I am so appreciative of all the work you've done," Obama told him.