However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die.
Remember, "old habits die hard".
As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.
While it is widely accepted that an effective process is important today, old habits die hard.
Old habits, it seems, die hard. For Mahle – who spent 14 years undercover – is a spy no longer.
I am still learning and I still get things wrong (old habits die hard), but one thing I do know is that negative behaviours aren't written in stone.
And while most of them can look forward to a fun time, a new study suggests that some die-hard fans will get more excitement than they bargained for.
Sure, die-hard readers will scoff at the notion that color could enhance the experience of reading plain text, and they’d be right.
Old habits die hard, and one of the oldest - still rigorously enforced by many drivers - is that "warming up" the car for a few minutes is necessary to avoid some kind of unspecified damage.
One of the biggest misconceptions in sportsis that the fans in the stands are the only die hard fans, when sometimes, the“true” fans are stuck watching the game at home.
It's hard to think of many actresses, even those die-hard professionals raised inside the old studio bubbles, who could have weathered such an impossible burden.
As die hard MMA fans, there are several bouts that we are all craving to see, right? If you had your choice, what are the ten fights you would want to see this year?
For they, according to Fisher, tend to keep their emotions under lock and key, while I'm much more of a die-hard romantic.
If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.
This description can be used to describe any number of Westerns, as well as the action film Die Hard.
"There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them," Murphy said.
Die-hard fans come straight to this megasite for scores, schedules and analysis, then hang around for the video highlights, games and podcasts.
A statement like that is liable to send die-hard the Power of Now readers reeling off their meditation cushions, stupefied. His point, I believe, was that the "present" is still a time-based referent.
Perhaps the biggest star is Alan Rickman, previously known to American cinema-goers (if at all) as the villain in "Die Hard".
From couch potato to die-hard royalist, we've put together a guide of the best vantage points for every type of wedding watcher in London.
The dish can convert even the most die-hard bean-curd sceptics, says Ms. Dunlop, speaking from experience.
He is well known for the role of John McLane in the Die Hard series, which were mostly critical and uniformly financial successes.
Those who wear them wear them religiously and are die hard wearers of their shoes until they have a hole on the sole, which is a wonderful excuse to go out and buy another new funky pair.
You're certainly not a die-hard fundamentalist, but you figure that if you drink the wine and chew the wafer now and then, it's good enough to get you a free ride into a half-decent afterlife.
By the end of the novel, the reader sees that there is not one Alejandro Mayta, but many: Mayta the die-hard romantic, equally eager to worship God and Marx;
But even die-hard Boca supporters had little to cheer on June 26th, when River, the country's most successful team, was relegated to the second division for the first time in its 110-year history.
But even die-hard Boca supporters had little to cheer on June 26th, when River, the country's most successful team, was relegated to the second division for the first time in its 110-year history.