One of the valid method to reduce the vertical breaking in deep-drawing of 18-8stainless steel is to adopt a die clearance which is less than the plate thickness.
防止18 - 8型不锈钢技深件纵向开裂的有效措施之一是在拉深时采用小于板料厚度的凸凹模间隙。
By simulating in DYNAFORM, the influences of the factors, such as the friction coefficient, die clearance and material parameter 'sn and r, on stamping formability were studied.
Through choosing the blanking clearance of material in reasonable, just by one die blanking the different thickness of very thin gaskets, the die structure was simple and practical.
Be able to understand the cutting clearance with different die, and calculate the cutting clearance with the different thickness of the material.
Variation of striper force and clearance between punch and die plate with respect to shear plane and die stress were analyzed.
Structure design and material choice of important parts such as the die, blank holder, etc. were stated in detail. Also, fine blanking clearance was analysed and selected.
Analyse the functions of blanking clearance and its influence to the die and workpiece. Illustrate that only select fairly larged clearance in general blanking, die life would be increased.
A die punch can be used as the electrode to reproduce its shape in the matching die plate, complete with the necessary clearance.
The structure and size of divergent hollows, divergent bridges, welding room, die core, bearing length, die hole, as well as clearance groove was designed according to the profile's characteristic.
The structure and size of divergent hollows, divergent bridges, welding room, die core, bearing length, die hole, as well as clearance groove was designed according to the profile's characteristic.