In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern.
To get the full benefit, individuals should carry out the Dietary Guidelines recommendations in their entirety as part of an overall healthy eating pattern.
Surprisingly, however, this study actually controlled for caloric intake and overall dietary pattern.
Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to identify the food factors and dietary pattern clusters.
Context Evidence is lacking that a dietary pattern high in vegetables, fruit, and fiber and low in total fat can influence breast cancer recurrence or survival.
According to recent studies, to meliorate the dietary pattern can prevent from tumour effectively.
Control of energy intake, weight reduction and rational dietary pattern should be the major preventing measures.
Conclusion Rice, vegetables and milk dietary pattern was associated with reduced risk of overweight and obesity.
This evaluation results would provide scientific basis for evaluating dietary pattern and growth status of preschool children in the area.
Objective to investigate the dietary pattern of the elderly in Qixinggang Community of Guangzhou City, and to provide the evidence for improving their nutritional and health status.
A study on the dietary pattern and nutritional levels of the inhabitants in Jiangsu province was carried out by means of both analysis of food consumption and dietary survey.
The effects of dietary different protein levels with same EAA pattern on growth and protein turnover parameters were studied.
Objective to examine the effect of childhood abuses on adolescents' psychology and behaviors related to harmful dietary pattern.
"Ongoing... follow-up of trial participants may provide additional valuable assessment of the effects of a low-fat dietary pattern on these and other cancer incidence rates," the authors write.
Methods: Intake of energy was calculated according to method of balance diet and dietary pattern was assessed with DDP.
Objective: to know the hereditary pattern of a pedigree with multi-cancer history and to explore the relationship between pathogenesis and heredity, environment and dietary pattern in cancer family.
Conclusion College students are short of food nutrition knowledge and their dietary pattern was extremely unreasonable.
Objective To collect data for future nutrition health education, analysis of food intake and dietary pattern of 89 middle-aged or old patients with hyperlipidemia at our bureau.
Dietary pattern, inflammation, and incidence of type 2 diabetes in women.
Dietary pattern, inflammation, and incidence of type 2 diabetes in women.