This boy made a long bus trip to school knowing that he would be different from the others.
The structural features in Tongan Fault-blocks are different from the others in Anyang Mining Area.
She says that in the end, Big Sis is no different from the others and let herself be corrupted by Ai.
The trick is that one of those ingredients is different from the others, one of them is special: labor.
It is the presentation of the final dermal effect of the dermatitis which is different from the others.
Before arriving to the veranda, the avenue touches the last terrace, explicitly different from the others.
Their hosts took him as the Kings of the birds, especially as he looked somewhat different from the others.
'And he added:' I would like to win again the Champions League, a special trophy, different from the others.
It's hard to understand how he works from the outside. He's certainly different from the others in the media.
Among them, the documents of grain "distribution and acceptance" are somewhat different from the others in nature.
At various points in the web, creatures of power rest or work, each different from the others, but all somehow the same.
This service is different from the others in that only one real implementation of this service exists on the XMethods server.
So, while each segment may appear different from the others at a cursory glance, they all really lead back to the self-same starting centre.
You have notebooks full of conversations and observations, and it is likely that each person you spoke to was slightly different from the others.
Each is pretty reasonable for certain programming contexts, even though the syntax and semantics of each is so radically different from the others.
This fair tale is a little different from the others because rather than sanitizing the original, it was modified by the original author to make it more gruesome.
Oakwood Golden Rules gives us competitive advantage that makes us different from the others, and keep us at the top, to attract and retain outstanding employees.
We propose a kind of inhomogeneous quantum walk. In this context, based on the presented scheme, the quantum coin flip at each site can be different from the others.
If everybody can easily get the right tapes to imitate, and a Queen's English teaching program to learn, where will be your chance to be different from the others and to be outstanding?
Multiple definitions, each subtly different from all the others, convey multiple shades of meaning.
Others require more thinking: their meanings are slightly different from the modern ones.
Second, we judge the extent to which we are the same as or different from others.
While the best form of marketing for institutions is to be good at what they do, they also need to be clear about how they are different from others.
The name makes the person different from others.
The way Beijing sorts its trash sounds different from others like Shanghai and Qingdao.
Spread data, indexes, and log over multiple disks, with the log on different disks from the others..
Spread data, indexes, and log over multiple disks, with the log on different disks from the others..