Different Civil Code adopts different manners on how to stipulate the civil law's sphere.
The tournament can be won in two different manners, with a side winning either a championship or a Grand Slam.
All these different manners of defining timeouts must be viewed and handled in concert to achieve the desired end-to-end behavior.
Regarding the future of domestic machine vision industry chain's development, there are the different manners in these visitors.
Each team is in a different situation, working on different systems, and in different manners even though they both work for the same organization.
The data simulation in different manners, regression of multiple variables, and prediction of experimental data can be achieved by using of this software.
If you're designing a Web site for a car company, "car buyer" is meaningless as a design tool-different people approach the task in very different manners.
"Postmodernism" is not a philosophy that emphasizes the "creative style (s)" of the individual; it is instead a range of many different manners of thinking.
Different graph symbols transfer information in different manners. The quantitative information of the point object is shown by the quantitative point location;
Coagulants have several solution forms in water, which effect on the coagulation processes with different manners, so their influence on streaming current is also different.
Users can provide their query requirement in several different manners, the best retrieval result will be presented for the low-level feature and semantic network can cooperate properly.
Method ESEM was used to image and analyze the morphological characterizations of the physical damaged hairs, which caused by different sharp or blunt instruments and with different manners.
There are cultural differences, and you might meet someone from a different culture and your set of manners will quite be different to theirs.
Views on life in the region are quite different. If common people think that life in the region symbolizes success, many celebrities believe it now to be bad manners.
The mixing is a key link in cement grouting construction, and the different mixing manners have an important effect on grout engineering quality.
It is generally acknowledged that different modes of thinking cause different behavioral results, while different behavioral manners determine different activity results.
DESIGN: To construct the three-dimensional finite element model of the fracture of humerus with different loading manners.
Detailed investigation of different maneuver manners effect on the performance of SINS transfer alignment and in-depth analysis of the simulation outcomes were carried out.
The effects of different cooling manners on the structure and properties of aluminum-lithium alloy 1420 ingot as after homogenization treatment were investigated.
Aerogels have special thermal conduction manners which are different with common materials, be - cause of their unique structures.
No matter how different the manners are, people all over the word agree that good manners really mean to be kind and helpful to others.
Different subclasses of GluRs exert different modulating effects in normal and pathological processes in their special manners, which can interact with other modulating matters.
Different subclasses of GluRs exert different modulating effects in normal and pathological processes in their special manners, which can interact with other modulating matters.