Moscow's air is polluted at the best of times, but this smog, heavy with carbon monoxide, makes breathing difficult.
In earnings news that had to have had many breathing a sigh of relief, Intel announced Tuesday afternoon that its first quarter, while admittedly difficult, beat Wall Street expectations.
If the respirator becomes damaged, soiled, or breathing becomes difficult, replace the respirator.
"My breathing was very difficult when I exercised, walking up hills," she said.
FIRST AID FOR INHALATION: Remove from dusty area to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician.
COPD is a serious lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Symptoms can include breathlessness, chronic cough and excessive phlegm.
In this condition, scarring and inflammation in lung tissue make breathing difficult, and the infant often requires prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospitalization.
Your blood vessels may expand. This causes the skin to become red. air passages in the throat and lung may shrink. This makes breathing difficult.
Neuroscientists now know that breathing patterns change our brain states, allowing us to create-simply by inhaling and exhaling-the calm and peace necessary to survive difficult circumstances.
He held her in a grip that made breathing difficult and his choking voice was in her ear.
This makes breathing difficult and painful, and can also limit the amount of oxygen a person takes into their body with each breath.
By that time, her father's health had become poor. His breathing was difficult; he had to rest very often when he was climbing stairs. It was not unusual for him to cough for an hour.
Breathing, eating, living, everything we take for granted was difficult for her.
With the belly pressed against the floor, breathing will be difficult. Breathe more into the back of your torso, and be sure not to stop breathing.
Remember fondly the time of a person, would also difficult in recall his facial appearance but remember his breathing clearly, let me for the sake of you then.
When one actually sees a fuselage expanding and contracting under the cyclic load, like a breathing monster, it is not difficult to understand how its structure may eventually become weakened.
When one actually sees a fuselage expanding and contracting under the cyclic load, like a breathing monster, it is not difficult to understand how its structure may eventually become weakened.