My Lord, I have good news on that score. I have — with difficulty, and after great effort — suceeded in placing an Imperius Curse upon Pius Thicknesse.
Difficulty is the backbone of a set of movement and the only factor to decide technical value score for a whole set of movement.
And the content, the goal are the main body essential factors, the topic, the difficulty are derive essential factor, the score, the length, the time limit are dependent elements.
At the Olympics, each is given a degree of difficulty, the higher the difficulty the higher the score.
The results showed that the scores was Gassion distribution, the average score was 82.26, and the difficulty and discrimination of the test paper were appropriate.
The birth weight, score of feeding difficulty, gender of infants and level of feeding knowledge acquisition were related to feeding related anxiety.
T he results show that the parameter of difficulty should be put into consideration during arranging the optional entire exercises, since it would affect the final score.
结果显示,自选成套动作的编排,应考虑到难度值计入成套最后得分这一因素 ;
The standard score is influenced by subjective factors only while free of the influence of such objective factors as the degree of difficulty and the degree of differentiation.
标准分数是将原始卷面分数经过某种数学公式转换后 ,扣除难度和区分度等客观因素影响而只考虑主观因素影响的一种相对分数。
The various progressive difficulty level and the reduced possible solutions, allows you to learn and improve your score as you pass through the colourful levels of MAGIC CUBE 3d.
Your score is based on how quickly you move, the current difficulty level, and whether you win or lose.
Your score is based on how quickly you move, the current difficulty level, and whether you win or lose.