The feature and the distribution of diffused light of the object are analyzed in detail.
Diffused light has little power or impact, but you can concentrate its energy by focusing it.
The nave of the church itself is lit by diffused light from holes in the stonework, arranged in the shape of a cross.
The messages were most evident in the main building's light court, which provided a setting bathed in diffused light.
At dawn and at night, the diffused light comes out of the chapel and falls on the forecourt and the close surroundings.
Under the diffused light in the morning and afternoon, when silicon cells cannot power, thin film cells can still power.
The diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth.
On the northern side of the building, these panels create a diffused light source and ensure privacy for the sports players within.
For the background I needed a 360 panorama from the central point of the house which I recorded in one day with diffused light in the dunes on the spot.
Extensively used in commercial landscape applications, their diffused light makes them ineffective for spotlighting and fixtures require internal electronics.
The second order diffraction light of Rayleigh scattering light, Raman light, diffused light and the fluorescence diffracted from the grating have been discussed.
It was as large as a chicken's egg. An ornate letter s, inlaid with many small green stones, glinted dully in the diffused light shining through the tent's canvas roof.
The sun did not shine clearly, but it spread through the clouds a tender, diffused light, crossed by level cloud-bars, which streched to a great length, quite parallel.
Areas of the ground will be of translucent glass paving, lighting a path in the evening light and filtering daylight, and creating a soft diffused light for the space below.
But spotty clouds rolled in and the ambient light fluctuated between direct and diffused sun.
I look for light that is soft, sometimes diffused with a thin curtain (which helps the window to act like a huge light box).
In the most modern LCDs this light is generated by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and is then diffused in a special layer of the screen behind the shutters.
Natural light is diffused through a translucent film within the glass and a six foot ceiling cavity, finally striking a white, stretched fabric ceiling.
Its light was not bright, and it was diffused by the mist, but the man Jack would not need much light.
And I knew that the sand had done all this: it had diffused the light around the picture.
Deprived of air, no animal would live, no plant would grow, no flame would burn, no light would be diffused.
I treat the light more like a cloudy day, so less harsh shadow lines and more diffused, soft shadows.
I have said this in the past but I feel like post production should be required to all pictures. Underwater pictures tend to turn out flat, which is because the light underwater is very diffused.
I have said this in the past but I feel like post production should be required to all pictures. Underwater pictures tend to turn out flat, which is because the light underwater is very diffused.