These bacteria can be thought of as an additional digestive organ.
Most digestive enzymes of each digestive organ are activated in the salt concentration between 0.2M-0.3M.
The effects of pine-needle powder and medical stone compound additives of development of digestive organ of broilers were researched.
He does not suffer any complications from eating so much metal, as he has incredibly thick digestive organ walls and powerful digestive acids.
Darwin thought that only a few animals have an appendix and that the human version was what was left of a digestive organ called the cecum.
The findings do, however, emphasise how profound the relationship is between people and their gut bacteria. These bacteria can be thought of as an additional digestive organ.
这些发现着实强调了人与肠道细菌间的关系是何等重要,这些细菌可看作是另一个消化器官,同时人也可以把自己当作一种有机体——[font=Times New Roman] [font=宋体]一个人就像个外壳,里面包了一大群微生物。
But the pancreas is a fish-shaped organ that makes digestive enzymes and insulin and other hormones that enable the body to make energy from food.
Systemic scleroderma is a involving skin, bones and joints, digestive, respiratory, heart, kidney, and other systems, multi-organ disease.
Systemic scleroderma is a involving skin, bones and joints, digestive, respiratory, heart, kidney, and other systems, multi-organ disease.