The digital library information service modes are the combination of the digital library information service system essential factors.
It can provide total security service to the information system of client by digital certificate issued by ca authentication center.
Along with the constant perfection of digital information resources and network system construction, the socialization of information service has been paid more attention.
With popularization of DTV (Digital Television), DTV-oriented intelligent information service system gradually becomes the focus of research.
To fast train, developing digital passenger information system is one of the measures to improve the soft setting of the service so that passengers can enjoy the mobile digital service.
Digital campus system integrates all-sided service information in a university, which will provide a convenient information channel for all members of the university and other users.
Absrtact: in the deluge of information in digital books, accurately and quickly find the books meet their needs is a digital library service system needs to solve the main problem.
"Digital water" is based on spatial information, integrating of hydrological models, water service, and modern electronic communication technology, professional system platform.
A research project is also introduced, which aims to establish the Chongqing Digital Information and Service System (CDISS).
A research project is also introduced, which aims to establish the Chongqing Digital Information and Service System (CDISS).