The digital native doesn't send a letter to the editor any more.
Is indifferent to the young "digital native" generation, who use blogs and other web tools as naturally as you use a telephone.
As one of the oldest of my Digital Native generation, I can probably be called an 'early adopter' as regards technological innovations.
Janet Chen firmly believes that the digital native generation - those born in and after the 90s like Hu Xiaofei - will continue to fuel the popularity of Internet celebrities in the long run.
Our kids are growing up native to this new digital world.
This feature rich car DVD player comes with native 16:9 DVD playback, DVB-T digital TV receiver for watching free television, Bluetooth calling support and full MP3 and MP4 playback via USB.
这个功能丰富的车载DVD播放器配有原生16:9的DVD播放,DVB - T的免费收看电视,通过usb,蓝牙电话支持和充分的MP3和MP4播放数字电视接收器。
This feature rich car DVD player comes with native 16:9 DVD playback, DVB-T digital TV receiver for watching free television, Bluetooth calling support and full MP3 and MP4 playback via USB.
这个功能丰富的车载DVD播放器配有原生16:9的DVD播放,DVB - T的免费收看电视,通过usb,蓝牙电话支持和充分的MP3和MP4播放数字电视接收器。